Full version of the TORAIZ AS-1 Sound Editor - Mac OSX and PC. Free version of the TORAIZ AS-1 Sound Editor - Mac. Editor/Librarian for QuadraSynth QS4+, QS5+QS6. Patch editor for the Boss ME-25 guitar multi effects and Roland GR-20 guitar synthesizer. The software allows desktop tweaking and editing of the ME-25 internal parameters, making patches a lot easier to create. BorgLib - BorgStation's Librarian v1.2.2: Patch manager/librarian. Windows: Freeware: 2005-02-07: 0: 60db: TD7 Edit: Edit and manage patches of the Roland TD7 percussion/trigger module. You might also like to check out Roland's Electronic Drum Kits. Windows: Demo: 1999-01-14: 18: 60db: Alpha Juno Control v0.9: A basic patch editor for owners of. An Editor and Librarian for the Meris Enzo Multi-Voice Instrument & Guitar Synthesizer. Version 3.5 introduces a new mode to the patch generator with A/B Morph and A/B Sweep algorithms. The Enzo Editor and Librarian is a full featured patch editor and librarian for the Meris Enzo Guitar Synthesizer.

  1. Free Roland Jdxi Patch Editor Librarian For Mac Pc
  2. Patch Editor Mw2
  3. Free Roland Jdxi Patch Editor Librarian For Mac Torrent
  4. Roland Jdxi Keyboard Synthesizer
A very early development version of the 'JDXi Manager' is now available to download for Windows.
MacCurrently only the Analog Synth part of the JD-Xi can be edited, but this might already be useful for some of you (it certainly is for me, playing with the analog synth of the JD-Xi via the editor has been a revelation for me, this humble analog mono included in the JD-Xi rocks! ).

Free Roland Jdxi Patch Editor Librarian For Mac Pc

You can download the 'JDXi Manager' here:
Please excuse the very simple home page, I had no time yet to make a proper web site for it as I prefer spending my time playing with the JD-Xi and writing the editor.
The download is a simple executable, just put it somewhere (for example on your desktop) an run it, no need for any installation.
When running it for the first time you should resize the program window to suit your screen space, then select the MIDI in and out devices for your JD-Xi and then save the preferences by clicking on Edit->Save Settings.
This will save the current program window size and on screen position and the MIDI device settings and these saved settings will be used as defaults every time you start the 'JDXi Manager'.
RolandPlease note this is an early development version, it most likely still has bugs, please report any bugs you find so that I can try to fix them. When reporting bugs please specify which version of Windows you are using.

Patch Editor Mw2

Any questions or comments are welcome.

Free Roland Jdxi Patch Editor Librarian For Mac Torrent

Here is a screenshot taken on Windows 7:

Roland Jdxi Keyboard Synthesizer