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  2. Citect Scada Software Protection Failure Failed
  3. Citect Scada Software Protection Failure Support
Try the following suggestions, keeping inmind that some of these can only be implemented on certainoperating systems:
  • AVEVA transportation solutions provide applications for tracking critical real-time and historic data, managing passenger communications and monitoring assets and functionality.
  • Vijeo Citect software has long had an impressive reputation with large control systems. One of the large Vijeo Citect based control systems implemented in 1992, contained in excess of 50,000 tags. In order to complete projects on this scale, Vijeo Citect developed advanced communications topologies and project structures that enable the design.

All Operating Systems:

(1) If the error(s) occur(s) immediately on startup, thisusually is an indication that Internet Explorer is either notinstalled on the system, or that it needs to be upgraded. Make sureyou are running Internet Explorer v4.01 or higher. If InternetExplorer did not come with the system, the latest version canbe found at the following Microsoft web site: The reason is that Citect uses the same cryptography as InternetExplorer uses in order to detect the licenses on thekey.

(2) Upgrade the Sentinel driver: The latest version is providedby SafeNet, Inc. and can be downloaded at the following website: If you are using a USB (Universal Serial Bus) Citect key, it isrecommended that you have Sentinel Protection Installer v7.0 or later installed. After installing the driver, it is importantthat you reboot the operating system immediately.

(3) Make sure nothing is plugged into the back of the key, suchas a printer cable or another license key. If the device goesoffline for any reason, then Citect can no longer detect the key.In the case of printer devices, I recommend that you use a networkprinter or another parallel port (if one is available or can bepurchased).

(4) Make sure you have installed the latest Service Pack releasefor your operating system and Citect version.

After you have installed the latest Service Pack, restart thesystem, reinstall the latest Sentinel driver and immediatelyreboot Windows again. If you have Windows NT or 2000, then pleasetry the suggestions in the following section only if the above hasnot fixed the problem:

Windows NT and Windows 2000 ONLY:

Raise the Sentinel driver's priority: Please go to theC:Program FilesRainbow TechnologiesSentinel System Driverdirectory and run the SetupSysDriver.exe program. Click on theConfigure Driver button and then the Edit button. Under thePort Ownership Method section, unselect the Auto check box andchange the Acquisition Timeout from 10000 to -1. By default, Citecttries to detect the key for a period of 10 seconds. If it cannotdetect it within this period, it then returns the 'SoftwareProtection Failure' error. Setting the Acquisition Timeout to -1forces Citect to locate the key until it finds it.

Windows 2000 ONLY:

Modify the parallel port settings: (Note: To do this, you mustbe logged in as a system administrator.) Please go to Control Panel| Administrative Tools | Computer Management and click on DeviceManager. Expand the Ports (COM & LPT) section, right-click onECP Printer Port (LPT1) and click on Properties. Click on the PortSettings tab and select the 'Use any interrupt assigned to theport' option box. Also verify that the LPT Port Number correspondscorrectly to the LPT Port the key is plugged into - in most casesthis will be LPT1. Finally, restart the operating system.

For other articles pertaining to these key-related issues,please see KB articles Q1777,Q3014, Q3029,Q3120 and Q3395.

Posted by admin

My ISP upgraded my connection from VDSL to fiber and gave me new hardware to go with it – the Huawei HG8247H GPON. However, as I was already using the fully configured DDWRT-edNetgear WNDR4500v2 router for all my networking tasks, I needed to turn the Huawei into a media converter and assign the static IP on the Netgear – not the easiest task as it appears.

Huawei Echolife Hg8245h Specifications

Feb 17, 2014 Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 23:43 Post subject: huawei echolife hg520 hello everybody, i have this router how is an broadcom based, i don't know wich firmware to use. Anyone can help me?

  1. A Huawei HG8245 router includes a basic firewall program to help protect your home network from the Internet. The Firewall is designed to block incoming connections from the Internet. There may be a time when you need a connection opened. When you open a connection through the firewall you are.
  2. Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 23:43 Post subject: huawei echolife hg520: hello everybody, i have this router how is an broadcom based, i don't know wich firmware to use.

The Huawei my ISP uses comes with manufacturer firmware and blank configuration, so the default logins of

normal user: root / admin
administrator: telecomadmin / admintelecom

still work, but as soon as its WAN gets connected it grabs the configuration from the ISP and the administrator login gets changes. Fortunately, one can authenticate in the web interface before the device retrieves the configuration and the session remains valid until logoff (or timeout).

This gave me a window of configuring the device all in one go and then leaving it there with the administrator interface locked out. But that would never be enough in the long run. So I read around and found the tools and method of obtaining, extracting and modifying the configuration file to suit my needs.

Obtaining the configuration file

Assuming the WAN interface was previously connected and the router fetched its auto-configuration from the ISP and the superadmin user is locked out, enter the administration interface with the standard root / admin login. Go into the System Tools section and do a settings reset. Disconnect the WAN (optical connection) while the router is rebooting.

Citect Scada Training

Wait for it to power on and start the web interface and you should be able to login with the administrator-level telecomadmin / admintelecom login (unless your ISP installed a custom firmware). Once you’re logged in, remember to browse around as the authentication has a timeout. Reconnect the optical link and wait for it to retrieve the operator settings. Socks proxy list free.

When done the connections should appear in Status > WAN Information. You can now navigate to System Tools > Configuration File and download the settings file. You’ll end up with a hw_ctree.xml file.


You will not be able to read this file directly as it is both gzipped and encoded.

Decoding the configuration file

Download aescrypt2 and run the following command
aescrypt2_huawei.exe 1 hw_ctree.xml decoded.xml
You can now open up and edit the XML file. Browse around and look for the following section:

<X_HW_CLIUserInfo NumberOfInstances='1'>
<X_HW_CLIUserInfoInstance InstanceID='1' Username='root' Userpassword='465c194afb65670f38322df087f0a9bb225cc257e43eb4ac5a0c98ef5b3173ac' UserGroup=' ModifyPWDFlag='0' EncryptMode='1'/>
<X_HW_CLITelnetAccess Access='1' TelnetPort='23'/>
<X_HW_WebUserInfo NumberOfInstances='2'>
<X_HW_WebUserInfoInstance InstanceID='1' UserName='root' Password='465c194afb65670f38322df087f0a9bb225cc257e43eb4ac5a0c98ef5b3173ac' UserLevel='1' Enable='1' ModifyPasswordFlag='1' PassMode='2'/>
<X_HW_WebUserInfoInstance InstanceID='2' UserName='youradmin' Password='4a53c3505bcd62b7f5d8b5004e24c71fe7cd08955474d408c0829cf9cfc1505e' UserLevel='0' Enable='1' ModifyPasswordFlag='1' PassMode='2'/>

Your file would probably have a different second username and password hash (set by your ISP). Top 100 horror movie characters. The root password hash should be the same if you did not change the password from the default admin. If you want to, you can change them to whichever values you choose – keep in mind the hash is obtained with double hashing: SHA256(MD5('password'))

If you don’t want to mess with the ISP’s login you can modify the root user to have administrator-level permission. For that, edit its UserLevel variable and set it to 0 (like the second user).

Browse around for other things you might want to change (that are not exposed in the web interface) and save your changes. Re-encode the config file with:
aescrypt2_huawei.exe 0 modified.xml hw_ctree.xml

Repeat the initial steps (reset the configuration and disconnect the WAN) to re-obtain access to the interface and restore the modified configuration file (through System Tools > Configuration File). Wait for it to reboot and you’re done – you can now login with full administrator privileges.

Citect Scada Software Protection Failure Failed

PS: After a recent firmware update my ISP disabled configuration file encoding. If you’re lucky and your ISP does the same you can skip the decoding/encoding steps.

You can check if the file is plain text or encoded by opening it with Notepad++/Notepad or looking at its size (around 200K means it’s plain text, around 20K is encoded).

Citect Scada Software Protection Failure Support

PS2: I would like to thank Huawei for the attention of publishing a security notice on their site related the content of this article. To clear things up, this article never meant to expose a security vulnerability (I never used such terms). The information in this article is only meant to provide a way for individual users to (re)obtain administrator access on devices locked down by the ISP and be able to access all functionality features. The procedure requires physical access to the device to reset it and use the default administrator user to export configuration – this cannot be construed as a vulnerability.

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