DISCLAIMER: Publications by The Family are archived here for educational purposes. The content is occasionally sexually explicit, offensive or promotive of criminal acts and we collect them to document their existence and wording but do not condone the points of view or activities. Original spelling, grammar, and style have been preserved where possible.

The majority of The Family's publications are classed as Disciples Only (DO) and hidden from public. Other classifications include Disciples and Friends Only (DFO) and General Public (GP). Those designated GP are considered the milk of the Word and often do not reveal the group's inner teachings (see also: Category:Secrecy).

Aug 22, 2015 A good letter will paint the picture of a stressed woman speeding home after a rough day of work only to get pulled over by a buff cop. The girl hikes up her skirt and not only is the ticket an afterthought, but so is the stress as the two end up in the backseat forgetting about all the bad things and living in the moment, a very naughty moment. Magazine Archives - Archives allows users to search past covers, articles and back issues. Magazine archives covering centuries of history, online and free.

Publication Series

  • Burn After Reading (BAR) Advisories
  • Childcare Handbook (CCH)
  • Daily Bread (DB)
  • Daily Might (DM)
  • END (aka WND)
  • Family News Magazine (FN)
  • Family Special Magazine (FSM)
  • Good News magazine (GN)
  • Heaven's Library (books, magazines)
  • Hope of the Future (HOTF)
  • Life with Grandpa (LWG)
  • Mo Letters (ML)
  • Mo Letters for Kids (MLK)
  • New Nation News (NNN)
  • Posters: Gallery of Posters

Individual Books

  • Basic Training Handbook (BTH)
  • Story of Davidito (aka Davidito Book or Dito Book)

Individual Publications



  • The Adventures of a Flirty Fish! – Another “All Things” Sharing! — LTO No. 532 1974-03-31
  • Afflictions— By David Berg, DO#569, 1976-11-25
  • America The Whore! — GP No. 217, 1973-03-17
  • Answers To Your Questions! No. 1 — By David Berg, DO #1254 1982-08
  • Answers To Your Questions! No. 2 — By David Berg, DO #1270 1982-09
  • Answers to Your Questions! No. 3 — DFO#1280, 1982-09
  • Answers To Your Questions! No. 5 — By David Berg, DO #1458 1983-04
  • Artwork Jealousy Dream, The — DFO1295, 1979-02-10
  • Astronomical Fakery — DFO1309, 1981-08-02
  • A Visit to God's New Nation — by Roy Wallis, 1977-02
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  • The Bait That Fell In Love With A Fish! — DO No. 552, 1976-05-03
  • Beirut Massacre, The — DFO#1284, 1982-09
  • Bicycle Dream, The — DFO1294, 1977-06-04
  • Body Clocks and Astrology — DF)1310, 1975-07-26


  • Child Abuse?! — An Official Statement from the Founders of the Children of God (Dec. 1988)
  • Child Brides! — DO902, 1977-04-04
  • Choices and Consequences, Part 1 — By Karen Zerby, Maria #672; FD/MM/FM#3484, January 2004
  • Choices and Consequences, Part 2 — By Karen Zerby, Maria #673; FD/MM/FM#3485, January 2004
  • Choices and Consequences, Part 3 — By Karen Zerby, Maria #674; FD/MM/FM#3486, January 2004
  • Cinema Cafe Dream, The — DFO1285, 1982-05-25
  • 'Conarky Rip-Off' Fulfilled! — DFO No. 1255, 1982-01-09
  • Confidential Questionaire! — DO No. 656, January 1978
  • Constant Vigilance is the Price of Security! — DO No. 1889, 1985-01
  • Count Your Blessings! — DFO No. 1259, 1982-07-26
  • Current Events Jewels — DO#1256, 1982-08


  • Dad's Dream Department — DFO#1273, 1979-10-19
  • Death to the Cities! — GP No. 373, 1975-11-30
  • Dear Mo'Ammar! - An Open Letter to the President of the Libyan Jamahariyah! — DFO No. 768, 1979-02-16
  • Dispelling The Myths About Family Education — By Marc and Claire, FSM#398 CM/FM, January 2003
  • Dirty Dishes--Or The Ministry of Santification! — DFO No. 566, 1976-10-22
  • Does FFing Pay? — By David Berg, DO#652
  • Do You Want a Penis? – Or a Sword? — DO No. 545 1976-07-19
  • Dream About Blue Circles — DFO1297, 1980-09-06
  • Dream Jewels — DFO1293, 1982-08
  • Dream Queen--The Holy Ghost — DFO1304, 1982-10-01


  • Emergency Advisory! RE: The Urgent Financial Situation — by Timothy Concerned, 1978-04
  • Endtime Supporters' News! Issue #3(14 pages, 4.4M) — 1993-05.


  • FF Tips! — DO No. 548, 1976-05-04
  • FF Behaviour!--More FF Tips! — DO No. 563, 1976-12
  • FF Coupling! — DO No. 562, 1976-11-07
  • Felix and the Painting--A Dream — DF)1290, 1978-01-05
  • Flee! – NRS 8 — D0 758, 1979-01
  • Four Fishing Failures! – Some Mis-adventures of a Flirty-Fish! — DFO 533 1974-04-06
  • Forecast — DO#1276, 1982-02-13
  • Fishin' Fever! — DO No. 550, 1976-05
  • Fun Sun - No.1 — 2007-07


  • Get Tough! — By David Berg, DO#2470, September 1988
  • Get Out 3--The Lion Roars — DFO1299, 1982-10
  • Girl Who Wouldn't, The — By David Berg, DO#721, 17 June 1978
  • Go For The Gold — 1995
  • Glorify God In The Dance!--Cautions & Improvements for your Exotic Videos — DO 1026, 1981-07-24
  • God Loves China — DFO#1260, 1981-01-05
  • God’s Love Slave! — DO No. 537 1974-04-21
  • God's Way!--The Wind-Down! — DFO No. 1659, 1983-10
  • God's Whores? — DO No. 560, 1976-04-26
  • Good News Flashes--No.2 — DO#1269, 1982-09
  • Good News Flashes--No.3/GN 8 — DFO#1275, 1982-09-15
  • Going Underground! – NRS 4 — DFO 750, 1978-12-14
  • Great Grandmother's 2,000 Chinese Converts — DO#1265,1980-08-16
  • Guard Your Children! — By David Berg, DO#1698, 1983-12


  • Halfway to Heaven! — DFO No. 1252, 1982-07-23
  • Health Gems — DFO1313, 1980-05
  • Home Libraries — DFO#1282, 1982-09
  • Home Servants' Monthly Report Form — DO No. 670, 1978
  • Homegoing II Message! – Urgent! — DFO 751, 1978-12-20
  • The Humble Prophetess! — By David Berg, DO #1429, 1980-11-08


  • Imperial Princess, The — DO#1261, 1982-05-03
  • Israel's Rights — DO#1277. 1982-08-30


  • Jesus Only? — DFO1305, 1978-08-21
  • Jewels on the Holy Spirit — DFO1302, 1982-10


  • Kill Khomeini!—A Prayer (aka 'Stop That False Prophet') — by David Berg, 1987-12-14, DO#2407
  • Keep On Believing — DFO#1268 1982-09-01
  • King Arthur's Nights – Chapter 1: The Night Crawlers! – A Dangerous New Ministry, Chapter 2: The Cost of Flirty Fishing! — DFO No. 501 1976-04-29
  • King Arthur's Nights – Chapter 3: King Meets King! and Chapter 4: The Odd Couple!— DFO No. 502 1976-05-10
  • King Arthur's Nights – Chapter 5: How to Charm a Fish with a Flame! — DFO No. 503 1974-01-26
  • King Arthur's Nights – Chapter 6: He Tells His Own Story! – By Arthur Newlove himself! — DFO No. 504 1975-4-06
  • King Arthur's Nights – Chapter 7: The Hooker! – A Fisherman Instructs His Bait! — DFO No. 505 1974-02-28
  • King Arthur's Nights – Chapter 8: Maria's Nights! — DFO No. 506 1975-04-06
  • King Arthur's Nights – Chapter 9: Becky’s Nights! — DFO No. 507 1975-04-06
  • King Arthur's Nights – Chapter 10: Becky’s Own Story! – Her Nights Continued in Her Own Words! — DFO No. 508 1976-06
  • King Arthur's Nights – Chapter 11: Hypnotised! — DFO No. 509 1974-06
  • King Arthur's Nights – Chapter 12: The Tunnel & The Call to Arms! — DFO No. 510 1974-06-22
  • King Arthur's Nights – Chapter 13: Hooked! — DFO No. 511 1974-06
  • King Arthur's Nights – Chapter 14: Seduced! — DFO No. 512 1974-07
  • King Arthur's Nights – Chapter 15: Freed! — DFO No. 513 1974-07
  • King Arthur's Nights – Chapter 16: Taming the Baby! — DFO No. 514 1974-08
  • King Arthur's Nights – Chapter 17: Victory! DFO No. 515 1974-08
  • King Arthur's Nights – Chapter 18: Progress! — DFO No. 516 1974-11
  • King Arthur's Nights – Chapter 19: The Wizard of Ahs! — DFO No. 517 1974-12-07
  • King Arthur's Nights – Chapter 20: New Life! — DFO No. 518 1975-01
  • King Arthur's Nights – Chapter 21: King Arthur’s Knights! – The Birth of a Baby! — DFO No. 519 1975-03
  • King Arthur's Nights – Chapter 22: The Big Fish Becomes the Big Fisherman! — DFO No. 521, 1975-07
  • King Arthur's Nights – Chapter 23: The Odd Couple Return! — DFO No. 522, 1976-05


  • Lands of the Rising Sun, The — DFO#1283, 1982-08-29
  • The Last State?–The Dangers of Demonism! — DO2306, 1987-03
  • Lashes of Love! – DFO No. 606, 1975-08-15
  • Letter to Anonymous YAs and SGAs from Mama and Peter — 24 October 2001
  • Liberty or Stumbling Block — By Sara Kelley
  • Little Girl Dream, The — By David Berg, DFO#1230, 28 October 1976
  • Lost Luggage Dream — DFO1286, 1982-09
  • Love is News! Part 1 — Red Hot Reprints & Translations of the Latest FF Headlines – 1977
  • Love is News! Part 2 — Red Hot Reprints & Translations of the Latest FF Headlines – 1977


  • Make It Work! — By David Berg, DO#2433, June 1988
  • Male or Female? – Which are You? – There is a Difference! — DO No. 529 1974-05-09
  • The Maltese Doublecross! Parts 1-4 — DFO 797, 1978-11-12
  • Marrytime Dream, The — By David Berg, DO#1114, 30 March 1981
  • Maria's Birthday — DO#1267, 1982-07
  • Maria and Francisco! --Mysteries of the Spirit! — By David Berg, DFO 1430, 1977-08-18
  • The Men Who Play God!--FF Blues! — DO No. 564, 1976-10-10
  • Millennial Seeing is Believing! — By David Berg, DFO#1450, 1982-10-31
  • Mocumba!--The Conversion of Africa? — DO No. 554, 1976-08-21
  • More On Feedin' The Fish! — DO No. 549, 1976-05
  • More Current Events — DO#1256, 1982-07
  • More Current Event Jewels — DO#1258, 1982-08
  • Mountin' Maid! — By David Berg, GP #240, 1970-12-27
  • My Childhood Sex!—Doin' What Comes Naturally — By David Berg; ML#779 (DFO #999; Adults only); 1978-11-08
  • Mystery of Otano, The — DFO796 1977-11-13


  • New Editor Dream, The — DFO1292, 1979-03-07
  • New NRO Vision, The — DO#1279. 1982-09-16
  • The Nebuchadnezzar Revelation! — By David Berg, DO#763, 1979-01-29
  • Nothing is too Hard for Jesus! — GN#1220, ML#3658 (FD/MM/FM); 2007-08
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  • Old Church and The New Church, The — By David Berg, GP#A, 26 August 1969
  • Old Family Friends — DF)1289, 1977-10-12
  • The One That Got Away! Part 1: On Unsuccessful Flirty-Fishing — LTO No. 525 1974-03-11
  • The One That Got Away! Part 2: Jesus & Sex! — LTO No. 525 1974-03-11
  • Our Replies To Allegations Of Child Abuse — June 1992


  • Pioneer Request Form — DO No. 669, 1978-02
  • Phone Call Dream — DFO1298, 1979-02
  • Pill? Or Pilgrimage? — Medicine vs. God's Healing — By David Berg, DO #599, 1977-08-08
  • Pisces: The Age of Tribulation?--Will it be the age of Flirty Fishing? — DO No. 567, 1976-04-26
  • The Potato! --On Child Discipline! — DF0 No. 718, 1978-06-12
  • Prayer for the Children!— GP No. 753, KK – 1979-01.
  • The Priestesses of Love! — DO No. 561, 1976-04-26
  • Priorities — DFO1316, 1982-11
  • Prophecy for Davidito! — DFO619, 1977-03-02
  • Professionals, The — By Steven Kelly
  • Pubs Revolution, The — GNF10, DO1296, 1982-10


  • Questions from the Field--Part 1 — DO792, 1978-12-16
  • Questions from the Field--Part 2 — — DO793, 1978-12-16
  • Queen of Heaven, The — DFO1303, 1982-04-20
  • Quotes on Dream Queen — DFO1301, 1982-10


  • 'Re-Organisation Nationalisation Revolution!', The — By David Berg, DO#650, January 1978
  • Renovation?--A Dream — DFO1287, 1977
  • Reporting Clarifications by Timothy Concerned — 1978-04-12


  • Safety Lessons — DFO1312, 1981-04-19
  • Scandinavian Church Dream, The--Pt.1 — DFO#1274, 1974-10-11
  • Scandinavian/Mormon Church Dream, The — DFO#1274, 1974-10-11
  • 7 Supporters!--For Brave Pioneers!--Or You! — DO No. 673, 1978-02
  • Seven Cures for Financial Ills — DO#1271, 1982-07-11
  • Sex and Honesty — By David Berg, DO#1922, April 1985
  • Sex Questions & Answers! Part 1. – Children & Sex! — by Father David & Sara Davidito, GP 815, 1979
  • Sex With Grandmother — DFO#1535, 11 June 1982
  • The 'Signs Following' Dream! — 1982-07-22
  • Singapore Sailor--He's Released — DO#1252, 1982-03-24
  • Singapore Sequel — DO#1263, 1982-05-10
  • Sorry, Judas! – It’s Too Late To Quit! – The Dangers of Backsliding! – NRS 16, DFO 772, 1979-01-24
  • Special Introductory Explanation of the 'Dream Queen' Issue — DFO1300, 1982-10
  • Stay on the Wall! — by Maria and Peter, CM/FM, 3303, June 2000
  • Sunday Communion and Prayer for Joseph's Herpes — DFO1315, 1982-01-10


  • TRF Supporter Advisory #3 — 1992-01
  • TS Family News Update #2 — 1994-10
  • TS Family News Update #3 — 1994-11
  • A Tale of Three Families! — DFO 1056, 1981-09-22
  • Teenagers - Where It's At — 20 December 1982
  • Teen Sex — DO#2061, September 1985
  • Test of Faith, The — By David Berg, DFO#1281, 10 November 1981
  • They Staged The Whole Thing! — By David Berg, DO#1340, November 1982
  • This Old House — DFO1288, 1976-10-13
  • Three-Colour Black-and-White Art — DFO1306, 1982-10
  • Three Robbers Dream, The — DFO1291, 1977-04-28
  • Timothy's Departure! — DO#778, 1979-02-02
  • Time Travel--You Can Do It Now — DFO#1278, 1982-08-08
  • Tips for the Tropix — DFO1313, 1982-07-12
  • True Komix - Law of Love — DFO#302C
  • True Komix - Little Flirty Fishy — DO#293
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  • Uncircumcision! – To Be, or Not to Be? — DO 782, 1979-06


  • Viva South America! — Inside Latin America with the Children of God by Faith David, FD No. 57 GP – 1976-01
  • Vernier Dream, The — DFO1311, 1981-03-10


  • War Goes On, The — DO#1266, 1982-08-21
  • What Now?! NRS 2 — DFO 748, 1978-12-14
  • Which Comes First: The Revelation or the Artwork? — By Karen Zerby, Maria#666; GP#3474; Post-it GN#12, December 2003
  • Whole Chinese Cemetery Set Free — DO#1264, 1982-03-25
  • Why Anti-Semitism? — DO#1272, 1982-08-22


  • Xmas?—Or Christmas! — By David Berg; GP #944, December 1979


  • You Are The Love of God! — DO No. 699, 1978-06-05

External Links

  • COG Pubs — exfamily.org
  • UCSB American Religions Collection — This archive at the University of California Santa Barbara contains a number of Family publications.


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